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Szoka, Berin. "How Financial Overhaul Could Put the FTC on Steroids & Transform Internet Regulation Overnight." Progress Snapshot 6.7. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2010.
Szoka, Berin. Testimony before the Maine State Legislature on "In the Matter of An Act to Protect Minors from Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 4, 2010.
Szoka, Berin. "Innovation at the Core Drives Innovation at the Edge (& Vice Versa)." Progress on Point 6.6. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2010.
Thierer, Adam, Berin Szoka, Lee Tien, and Seth Schoen. "Comments to the Federal Communications Commission in the Matter of Empowering Parents and Protecting Children in an Evolving Media Landscape." The Progress & Freedom Foundation and Electronic Frontie
Thierer, Adam, Berin Szoka. "The Hidden Benefactor: How Advertising Informs, Educates & Benefits Consumers." Progress on Point 6.5. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, February 2010.
Thierer, Adam. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet, U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, February 4, 2010
Thierer, Adam. "Public Option for Press Should Get the Red Pen." Progress Snapshot 6.4. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2010.
Szoka, Berin. "Comments to the Federal Communications Commission in the Matter of Privacy Issues Raised by the Center for Democracy and Technology." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 22, 2010.
Palage, Michael. "Top Three Reasons to Just Say No to ICANNís Current EOI gTLD Proposal." Progress Snapshot 6.3. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2010.
Esbin, Barbara. "Comments to the Federal Communications Commission in the Matter of Preserving the Open Internet." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 14, 2010.
Thierer, Adam, Berin Szoka. "Chairman Leibowitzís Disconnect on Privacy Regulation & the Future of News." Progress Snapshot 6.1. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2010.
Szoka, Berin. "A President Worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize: Eisenhower & the Freedom of Space." Progress Snapshot 6.2. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2010.
Esbin, Barbara, Brett Glass, Kathleen Ham, Thomas Hazlett, Wayne Leighton, Ruth Milkman, Craig Moffett, Gregory Rosston. "Wireless Investment, Innovation and Competition: Advance or Retreat?" Progress on Point 16.29. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, Dec
Dunstan, James, Berin Szoka. "Beware Of Space Junk: Global Warming Isn't the Only Major Environmental Problem." Progress Snapshot 5.14. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, December 2009.
Corn-Revere, Robert. "The First Amendment, the Internet & Net Neutrality: Be Careful What You Wish For." Progress on Point 16.28. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, December 17, 2009.
Thierer, Adam. "A Media Morality Play.", December 15, 2009.
Thierer, Adam, Coleman Bazelon, David Donovan, Paul Gallant, John Hane, Blair Levin, Kostas Liopiros, and Andrew Jay Schwartzman. "Let's Make a Deal: Broadcasters, Mobile Broadband, and a Market in Spectrum." Progress on Point 16.27. The Progress & Freedo
Esbin, Barbara. "Net Neutrality: A Further Take on the Debate." Progress on Point 16.26. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, December 2009.
Thierer, Adam. "Should Consumers Fear the Comcast Deal?" The New York Times, December 8, 2009.
Thierer, Adam. "A Brief History of Media Merger Hysteria: From AOL-Time Warner to Comcast-NBC," Progress on Point 16.25. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, December 2009.
Esbin, Barbara. "Should the FCC Adopt Rules on Web Fair Play?" US News & World Report, November 24, 2009.
Palage, Michael. "New gTLD Expressions of Interest: Proceed with Caution," Progress on Point 16.24. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, November 2009.
Thierer, Adam, Barbara Esbin. "An Offer They Can't Refuse: Spectrum Reallocation That Can Benefit Consumers, Broadcasters & the Mobile Broadband Sector." Progress Snapshot 5.13. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, November 2009
Szoka, Berin. "Comments to the Federal Trade Commission Privacy Roundtables on Privacy Trade-Offs: How Further Regulation Could Diminish Consumer Choice, Raise Prices, Quash Digital Innovation & Curtail Free Speech." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, Nov
Marcus, Adam, Berin Szoka. "Comments to the European Commission on Microsoft's Browser Ballot Proposal." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, November 9, 2009.
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