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May, Randolph J. "Broken Reforms." Legal Times, August 6, 2001.
May, Randolph J. "Tug of Democracy." Legal Times, July 9, 2001.
May, Randolph J. ìCall Them Off.î Legal Times, June 4, 2001.
May, Randolph J. "Science Before Separation of Powers." Legal Times, March 26, 2001.
Fiorina, Carleton S. "The Digital Renaissance." Future Insight 8.1. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2001.
May, Randolph J. "No Danger Ahead." Legal Times, January 1, 2001.
May, Randolph J. "The Founders, Shredded." Legal Times, December 4, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "Taxing Chevron." Legal Times, November 9, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "Al 'Rego' Gore." Legal Times, October 9, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "Alexis and Our Elections." Legal Times, September 4, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "Ignoring Law, Losing Elian." Legal Times, August 8, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "End of the Blank Check." Legal Times, July 3, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "Speaking With Cash." Legal Times, May 1, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "New Mission." Legal Times, April 3, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "When Agencies Go Informal." Legal Times, February 7, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "Agency Cobwebs." Legal Times, January 10, 2000.
May, Randolph J. "When an Agency Extends Itself." Legal Times, December 13, 1999.
Barnett, Andy H. "Economic Common Sense and Alternative Fuel Policy." Progress on Point 5.1. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 1998.
Ordover, Janusz A. and Robert D. Willig. "Access and Bundling in High-Technology Markets." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, February 5, 1998.
Bresnahan, Timothy F. "New Modes of Competition: Implications for the Future Structure of the Computer Industry." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, February 5, 1998.
Fortson, Jane. "Growing the New Deal: Will Congress Expand the Federal Housing Administration?" Progress on Point 4.4. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, July 1997.
Barnett, Andy, Mark Brandly, and Bruce Yandle. "Clean Air and Emerging Alternative Fuel Vehicles." Future Insight No. 3.6. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, July 1996.
FDA Reforms Bills Reflect PFF Plan. Progress on Point 1.11. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, June 1996.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A., James Gattuso, Peter W. Huber, George A. Keyworth, II, Thomas M. Lenard, William C. Myers, Peter Pitsch, Kenneth Robinson, Gregory Sidak, and Adam Thierer. "Forbearance, Self-Certification and Privatization." Future Insight No. 3.2.
Yandle, Bruce. "A Positive Agenda for Environmental Policy." The Shape of Things No. 6. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 1996.
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