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Shelanski, Howard. "Network Economics, Dynamic Competition, and Transaction Costs." Presentation at the 2004 IRLE Conference. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, May, 2004.
Kiesling, Lynne. "Dynamics of Market Processes: A Case Study of Airline Deregulation." Presentation at the 2004 IRLE Conference. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, May, 2004.
Adkinson, Jr., William F. "Multijurisdictional Antitrust Enforcement: A View from the Illinois Brick Road." In Competition Laws in Conflict: Antitrust Jurisdiction in the Global Economy. Washington: American Enterprise Institute, May 2004.
Adkinson, William F., Jr. "Fare data regulatory test." The Washington Times, November 25, 2003.
Adkinson, William F., Jr. "Verizon v. Trinko: Reconciling FCC Regulation and Antitrust Enforcement." Progress on Point 10.20. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, October 2003.
Crews Jr., Clyde Wayne and Adam Thierer. "What Media Monopolies?" TechKnowledge No. 54. Cato, July 30, 2003.
Adkinson, William F., Jr., Gary Doernhoefer, Thomas M. Lenard, Steven C. Salop, and Stephen P. Sawyer. "Regulation of Air Travel Distribution: Still Needed in the Internet Age?" Progress on Point 10.11. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, June 2003.
Adkinson, William F., Jr. Testimony before the Department of Transportation, May 22, 2003.
Adkinson, William F., Jr. "Comments to the Department of Transportation in Response to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 24, 2003.
Adkinson, Jr., William F. "Orbitz Should Still Pop Up On Antitrust Agencies' Radar Screens." Progress on Point 10.7. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2003.
Adkinson, Jr., William F. "Domain Name Services: Let Competition, Not ICANN, Rule." Progress on Point 9.21. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, September 2002.
Adkinson, Jr., William F. and Thomas M. Lenard. "Orbitz: An Antitrust Assessment." Antitrust, Spring 2002.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A. and Thomas M. Lenard. "Comments to the U.S. Department of Justice Under the Tunney Act." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 28, 2002.
Lenard, Thomas M. "Scrutiny of Airlines Online Agency Orbitz Well Deserved." The Houston Chronicle, June 10, 2001.
Starr, Kenneth. "Is Microsoft Still A Monopoly?" Progress On Point 8.14. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, June 2001.
Adkinson, Jr., William and Thomas M. Lenard. "Revise Orbitzís Flight Plan: Serious Competitive Risks Outweigh Questionable Benefits." Progress on Point 8.13. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, June 2001.
Lenard, Thomas M. "Creating Competition in the Market for Operating Systems: Alternative Structural Remedies in the Microsoft Case." George Mason Law Review, Spring 2001.
Lenard, Thomas M. "Creating Competition in the Market for Operating Systems: Alternative Structural Remedies in the Microsoft Case." Progress on Point 7.17. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, November 2000.
DeLong, James V. "The Microsoft Case and the Intellectual Property Defense." Intellectual Property News. The Federalist Society, Fall 2000.
DeLong, James V. "Publicity Value of Having Someone Do a Take-Off on Your Commercial: Priceless." Competitive Enterprise Institute, August 29, 2000.
Lenard, Thomas M. "Breakup is best solution." USA TODAY, April 28, 2000.
DeLong, James V. "Intellectual Property and Antitrust Enforcement." Testimony Before the Committee on the Judiciary, U. S. House of Representatives, April 12, 2000.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A. and Thomas M. Lenard, "The Microsoft Monopoly: The Facts, the Law and the Remedy." Progress on Point 7.4. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 2000.
Eisenach, Jeffrey A. "Nation's conservatives should support a breakup of Microsoft." The Union Leader & New Hampshire Sunday News, February 22, 2000.
Lenard, Thomas M. "Creating Competition in the Market for Operating Systems: A Structural Remedy for Microsoft." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2000.
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