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Downes, Larry. "The Seven Deadly Sins of Title II Reclassification (NOI Remix)." Progress on Point 17.15. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, August 2010.
Thierer, Adam, Charlie Firestone, Kurt Wimmer, Andrew Jay Schwartzman, Craig L. Parshall, Robert Corn-Revere, "Can Government Help Save the Press?" Progress on Point 17.13. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, July 2010.
Thierer, Adam. "A Media Welfare State?" Progress no Point 6.12. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, July 2010.
Kennedy, Charles. "On Our Way to the Third Way: The FCCís Notice of Inquiry on Internet Regulation." Progress on Point 17.12. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, June 2010.
Thierer, Adam, Link Hoewing, Walter McCormick, Peter Pitsch, Barbara Esbin, Ray Gifford, Michael Galabrese. "What Should the Next Communications Act Look Like?" Progress on Point 17.11. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, June 2010.
Thierer, Adam. "News Flash: Parenting is Happening!" Progress Snapshot 6.10. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, June 2010.
Szoka, Berin. Response to Questions from Sen. Mark Pryor Regarding Hearing on "An Examination of Children's Privacy: New Technologies & the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act" Before the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Senate Committee on Comme
Dunstan, James. "The FCC's Title II 'Lite' (as a Lead Balloon!) & the Looming Broadband Tax." Progress Snapshot 6.9. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, May 2010.
Esbin, Barbara. "Ancillariness, the Definition Wars, and the Next Communications Act." Progress on Point 17.8. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, May 2010.
Thierer, Adam, Berin Szoka, and Ken Ferree. "The Wrong Way to Reinvent Media, Part 5: Media Bailouts & Welfare for Journalists." Progress on Point 17.7. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 2010.
Szoka, Berin. Oral Testimony before the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation on "An Examination of Children's Privacy: New Technologies & the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act", April 29, 2010.
Szoka, Berin. Written Testimony before the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation on "An Examination of Children's Privacy: New Technologies & the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act", April 29, 20
Szoka, Berin, Jack Calfee, Maureen Ohlhausen, Jim Davidson, Stu Ingis. "Super-Sizing the FTC & What It Means for the Internet, Media & Advertising." Progress on Point 17.6. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 2010.
Thierer, Adam & Berin Szoka. "The Wrong Way to Reinvent Media, Part 4: Expanding Postal Subsidies." Progress on Point 17.5. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 2010.
Thierer, Adam & Berin Szoka. "The Wrong Way to Reinvent Media, Part 3: Media Vouchers." Progress on Point 17.4. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, April 2010.
Esbin, Barbara. "The Puzzling Case of the FCC's Broadband Plan." Progress on Point 17.3. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2010.
Thierer, Adam. "The Wrong Way to Reinvent Media, Part 2: Broadcast Spectrum Taxes to Subsidize Public Media." Progress on Point 17.2. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2010.
Szoka, Berin. "How Financial Overhaul Could Put the FTC on Steroids & Transform Internet Regulation Overnight." Progress Snapshot 6.7. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 2010.
Szoka, Berin. Testimony before the Maine State Legislature on "In the Matter of An Act to Protect Minors from Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, March 4, 2010.
Thierer, Adam, Berin Szoka, Lee Tien, and Seth Schoen. "Comments to the Federal Communications Commission in the Matter of Empowering Parents and Protecting Children in an Evolving Media Landscape." The Progress & Freedom Foundation and Electronic Frontie
Thierer, Adam, Berin Szoka. "The Hidden Benefactor: How Advertising Informs, Educates & Benefits Consumers." Progress on Point 6.5. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, February 2010.
Thierer, Adam. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet, U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, February 4, 2010
Thierer, Adam. "Public Option for Press Should Get the Red Pen." Progress Snapshot 6.4. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2010.
Szoka, Berin. "Comments to the Federal Communications Commission in the Matter of Privacy Issues Raised by the Center for Democracy and Technology." The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 22, 2010.
Thierer, Adam, Berin Szoka. "Chairman Leibowitzís Disconnect on Privacy Regulation & the Future of News." Progress Snapshot 6.1. The Progress & Freedom Foundation, January 2010.
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The Progress & Freedom Foundation