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Ronald Coase's The Federal Communications Commission at 50


October 29, 2009
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Hazel Hall, Room 225 at the George Mason University School of Law
3301 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22201

  • Opening Remarks:
  • Robert M. McDowell, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission
  • Panel Discussion:
  • Prof. Thomas W. Hazlett, George Mason University School of Law
  • Dr. Jeffrey A. Eisenach, Empiris LLC & George Mason University School of Law
  • Dr. Evan Kwerel, Federal Communications Commission
  • John Williams, Federal Communications Commission


This month marks the 50th anniversary of Ronald Coase's seminal article, The Federal Communications Commission. Coase's critique of the political allocation of radio spectrum, and his arguments for achieving efficient allocation by allowing the government to sell rights to the spectrum, has had a profound effect on the course of communications policy.

While Coase's ideas have been vindicated, and a market in radio property has developed, what impact have they had on the FCC? What is Coase's legacy, and how salient are his ideas for the future of spectrum allocation? A distinguished set of speakers addressed these questions at the event, "Ronald Coase's The Federal Communications Commission at 50," co-hosted by The Mercatus Center at George Mason University and The Progress & Freedom Foundation.

Opening remarks were given by Commissioner Robert M. McDowell of the Federal Communications Commission. The remarks were followed by a panel discussion on the themes presenting in the landmark book.

Registration Page: On the Mercatus Center technology policy website




The Progress & Freedom Foundation